Village Information
Police Crime Report Nov 2024 - Jan 2025 - Attached
20mph Proposal - Dec 2023 Local Consultation: Survey results attached
Bins and Dog Waste Bins: Locations of bins and DWBs below
Police Crime Report for June 2023 - attached below
Speed Indicator Device (SID) - Speeding Data for Hanslope attached below
S106 Money: This is the money from developers that is allocated to projects and infrastructure in the area where they have built. The legal agreements are between the developers and the Planning Authority (in our case MK Council). MK Council control how and where the money is spent and only they have records of how much is available and where it can be allocated. Please see attached legal agreements for the Bloor Estate and The Wheatfields Estate. All the parish council can do is develop projects for the village and then apply to MKC for the S106 funding, which must meet quite strict criteria. If you have any ideas for projects, please do let us know: [email protected]
Reporting Problems? - Please see table below
Thames Valley Police: Please see 2 new information documents attached
Grants and Donations: Hanslope PC has a grant application scheme, open to any village community group in need of funds. Application form and criteria attached.
Statement: In 2018, around the same time that former councillor, the late Jeannette Green was suffering from cancer, Cllr Green was instrumental in securing Section106 money to fund a refurbishment of the Pavilion at the Recreation Ground. Without Cllr Green's determination in this matter, the refurbishment would not have happened in the timeframe for use of the money and Hanslope may have lost the funding. For this reason, the parish council agreed at that time, to install a sign naming the Pavilion in tribute to Cllr Green. The recently installed signage is in implementation of that decision and the sign is in the process of being moved onto the Pavilion itself.