Thank you to all who attended the resident's meeting to discuss ideas for Section 106 money: Please email suggestions to [email protected]
The next Parish Council Meeting will be: Monday 10th February 2025 - 7pm in the Pavilion at the Rec.
The floodlights on the MUGA at the Rec. Ground have now been changed from operator-use only, to 'timed'. This means they come on automatically at dusk and turn off at 8.30pm. This is to facilitate free play i.e. so that people wanting to play sports on the MUGA, don't have to stop when it gets dark but can play on for while, just as they do in the summer.
Hanslope Parish Council has submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to Milton Keynes City Council, in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Plans (General) Regulations 2012. Milton Keynes City Council now must publish the neighbourhood plan for a period of consultation after which the Plan and any comments received will be considered by an independent planning examiner. The Hanslope Neighbourhood Plan will therefore be available for comments for six weeks between Friday 8 November and Friday 20 December 2024. The Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying documents are available to view on the Council’s Neighbourhood Planning webpage at Hanslope Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan | Milton Keynes City Council. Please send your comments on the submitted Hanslope Neighbourhood Plan before 5pm on Friday 20 December 2024 by email to: [email protected] or in writing to: Planning and Placemaking, Milton Keynes City Council, Civic Offices, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes,MK9 3EJ. Please be aware that all comments that MKCC receive will be publicly available and may be included on their website.
Fireworks - Statement from the Parish Council: The parish council has agreed the following policy re. the use of fireworks "Hanslope Parish council land cannot be used at any time, by private individuals, for the use of fireworks. The council urges residents to follow Government guidelines and be mindful of both livestock and wildlife in what is essentially a rural area. Use of 'silent' fireworks is strongly suggested".
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2024: Attached below
Hanslope Neighbourhood Plan - Revisions to 'made' plan (2019): The 2024 pre-submission Plan is attached here (below), along with 2 supporting documents. The consultation period has now closed.
Anti-Social Behaviour: Please report any instances of ASB to the clerk: [email protected], giving times, dates, location and any descriptions.
AGAR: The Annual Governance and Accounting Return 2023-24, is published under 'Finances'. The Period of Elector's Rights is now concluded.
Developers: At it's 12/2/24 meeting, the Parish Council resolved to implement the following policy. Hanslope PC does not, under any circumstances, meet with developers regarding planning application submissions.
20mph Survey: The results of our 20 mph consultation were approx. 50% in favour and 50% not in favour. On this basis, there would be insufficient local support to pursue this with MK Highways at this time. The PC will continue to monitor this issue.
REPORT IT! Any incidences of pot holes or flooding must be reported to MKCC via their website. The more reports they receive, the more likely they are to allocate resources. Particularly crucial is any flooding on Forest Road. MKCC have allocated a budget to address this via their capital works programme for 2024. However, current budget cuts may put this at risk if incidents are not continually reported. https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/pay-report-and-apply/report-it
Hanslope Community Hall at the Rec. Ground now open for bookings. Local groups particularly welcome. Capacity 100. Photos attached below.
Reporting issues to the parish council: Please email the clerk on [email protected] or phone 07383 091319. These should be issues that come under the powers of the parish council. For all other issues - see below and attached guide. Postings on social media can not be considered.
Report a Problem: Reports for faulty street lights, pot holes, roadworks issues, obscured signage, overgrown hedges, flooding etc should be directed to MKC via this link: https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/pay-report-apply/report-it
Speed Indicator Device Results: (3 locations) can be found under 'Village Information'
Hedges obstructing roads footpaths and pavements: The owner of each hedge is responsible for keeping the hedge clear of roads footpaths and pavements and street lights. The City Council has produced a leaflet explaining your responsibilities when trees, hedges and shrubs overhang on the highway which you can find attached below.
Speeding: We are often asked what the parish council is doing about speeding. It is worth noting that parish councils have no powers to address speeding and as such, there is very little we can do, other than talk to the Highways Authority (MK Council in our case). This then depends on how much they listen and then respond. We have been in constant contact with MKC but sadly, progress is very slow. This is what we are doing: -
- Applied for white 'village gates' as a measure to slow cars coming into the village at each entrance. We are paying for this ourselves. Report attached.
- Operate a Speed Indicator Device, on at least one road into and out of the village. This is reported on at PC meetings and the data sent to TVP, who are the enforcement authority for speeding (data attached below). SID displays and records speeds but not registration numbers. Some drivers are reminded of the speed limit and slow down.
- Requested Data Collection Strips be installed on Castlethorpe Road with a view to at least more signage and marking to slow down.
- Regularly badger MKC as to why the promised speed bumps and zebra crossing have not yet been installed on Long Street.
Contact details for the officers concerned are available on request. You can also contact your Ward Councillors to ask what MKC are doing.
Affordable Housing - Some affordable housing is available on the new Hayfield Estate on Castlethorpe Road, to those with a 'strong local connection'. Please see advice attached from MK Council.
Please can we remind people again, that dogs are to be kept on leads in the Recreation Ground? This is for the safety of other people and other dogs but also so that dog owners are aware of when their dog is relieving itself. In these dark evenings we are now seeing increased incidents of owners not 'realising', making it unsafe for children, football players and other Rec. Users. Thank you for your consideration to all.Flooding advisory: Advice in the event of flooding is attached.
Message from our local PCSO: Phone 101 and report any problems with anti-social behaviour, abandoned vehicles etc. Then the PCSO can go and investigate. No matter how small the crime is, residents must call it in to 101 and then the PCSO will be instructed to deal with it. If we as a village don't call in crimes/issues, it will be presumed that all is a haven of peace. We might even have our new PCSO diverted elsewhere and we need him here. Thanks.
Website Accessibility: Please see below our website accessibility statement